Overcome Procrastination How to Honor your Time and COMMITMENTS

A woman is standing in a field of lavender with a blue sky wearing a sunhat and holding onto the sunhat with her right hand, and her fingernails are painted red.

Have you ever found yourself needing to do something, but you hold off on it? Repeating phrases like I am so tired, I will do it tomorrow, I do not have time to do that, or this task is so minute I can do it later. This is procrastination. Off-putting tomorrow or in the future what could be done today. When procrastination starts to creep into your life, it can appear on different levels. See how to overcome procrastination and honor your time and commitments.

First, there is the beginner procrastinator who makes excuses, such as I will do that tomorrow, or I can wait to do something important. Next, is the advanced-level procrastinator who consistently dwells in procrastination. This person sets goals and makes plans but never actually achieves anything. Finally, the ultimate procrastinator puts everything off and disregards doing anything on time or in order.

To understand procrastination, knowing why you may do it is helpful. Procrastination occurs when people have a stronger urge to defer, which is stronger than their desire to do or be diligent. Generally, the urge to defer or be idle refers to how people feel pressured to refrain from taking initiative in a situation. The desire to be diligent signifies how people push pressure upon themselves to take initiative at the time.

Here are some tips to avoid falling into the pitfalls of procrastination.


Know why you procrastinate.

Find the reason behind your procrastination. Noting your reactions and reasoning for your procrastination. Procrastination can arise from the fear of judgment, fear of failure, anxiety, lack of instant gratification, too much pressure, lack of focus, and even perfectionism. A procrastinator has asked themselves “Why do I keep putting things off that I know I should do?” Even made statements such as “This task needs to be done, so that I can move closer to where I want to be” or “I want to start a new venture, but everything has to be perfect first.” 

Ask yourself why you feel this way. Then begin to direct your attention to the underlying reason driving the delay in your taking action. Seeing the reason behind why you procrastinate will give more you insight, and help you avoid procrastination.

set a commitment.

Set guidelines and commit yourself. Once you determine your reason for procrastination- develop a system that keeps and holds you accountable. A procrastinator may not have the best track record of keeping commitments, so start with putting a system into place that focuses on implementing positive behaviors. For example, set goals and adhere to them, create a routine action plan that avoids procrastination and implement that plan to reflect and progress anti-procrastination tactics effectively. 

maintain a schedule.

Once you’ve set a system in place, design your schedule to fit it. Moreover, realize how will you incorporate those anti-procrastination measures to fit into your schedule. What do your days of the week look like, or what about the weekend? Set aside a consistent time each week to review and update your schedule and block it into your calendar. 

Also, consider what is and what is not working and eliminate all the stuff that does not matter. 

find accountability.

Find someone who you know who can keep you accountable. This is the person that will help you stay on the straight path. Commit yourself to being accountable. Be mindful of the one keeping you accountable and honor your new responsibilities.


Stay consistent. Continue to repeat the process working on each area tied to procrastination. One step and one day at a time. Make changes as you move further and pay attention to avoid these procrastination pitfalls.

Procrastination does not mean that you have failed. By focusing on what matters and what is important in your life, you can alleviate all the unnecessary distractions. By acknowledging your behaviors and actions towards procrastination, you can make the necessary changes and commit to repairing the emotions when they arise. The best way to overcome procrastination is to get down to the source and face it head-on.