How to Set Goals, 4 Things Hindering you from Achieving THEM

Making and setting goals is not just for the beginning of the year. Whether you have long- or short-term goals, you can set goals at any time.
The most important aspect before starting any new goal is knowing the reason why you are doing it. Nevertheless, knowing what is pushing and driving you to reach those milestones needs to be clear, or you will quickly veer off the path.
Planning and setting new goals appear like a shiny ornament. You come up with a perfect plan, but it just sits there. As a result, the weeks pass by, and you never have any action or progress to show yourself. If you are anything like me, this is when double-checking your goals to see if you made the right decision can come into play. Typical thoughts occur like “Maybe I need to extend the intended date of completing the goal further” or “I have this goal, but what steps do I even need to take to achieve it?” Swiftly, what started as pure excitement for your goals quickly becomes a burden weighing on your shoulders.
This can be absolutely daunting. But there’s no need to fret. Here’s a look into how to set goals, so that you can achieve them without any setbacks or hindrance.
lack of big goals.
For some, it may be a stretch, but goals don’t need to be realistic, they need to be big. Realistic goals are safe and easily achievable. Still, realistic goals are only small steps toward your goal instead of giant leaps. Your goals should be a bit scary, and uncomfortable, and freak you out a little because big goals give you something greater to strive for, even in the face of adversity. Stop, setting small goals, it can only get you so far. Dare to dream big and set big goals, that someone would think you are crazy to try and achieve.
Try navigating your goals into one set vision or dream. From there break that goal down into smaller actionable steps, including a written plan of how you will achieve each goal. This is to say, you do not need a bunch of goals. Write out all of your goals, then choose at least three to four that are the most fitting. From there start working out one goal at a time.
lack of commitment.
Whenever you don’t commit to something, you postpone it. We tend to commit to things that we deem as important. If something is not important to us, we will never get started. Whatever goals you have must be important enough to commit to. Setting goals but never starting won’t do you any good. Likewise, you have nothing to show, except all the planning, organizing, and scheduling that you did. Simply put in the effort, if you want to see something grow. Don’t just plan, set a time, remain steadfast, and get to work. If you stay committed to something, then you will stay consistent with it.
lack of diligent hands.
Your goals won’t just magically succeed because you wrote them down. No, you need to get proactive and complete the assignment. Being slow or inactive towards your goals results in no progress. Keeping yourself in the same state as before. With diligent hands- take pride in the goals that you decided and work them with care. Here, do not be stagnant.
too much perfectionism.
Nothing has to be perfect. You just need somewhere to start. Perfectionism is another form of procrastination. When you are constantly waiting on the time for something to be perfect, you delay the progression of what you are supposed to do. Perfectionism also causes you to worry, stress, and be anxious, and this takes away your ability to focus and commit. It’s already enough maneuvering other areas, do not add perfectionism to that list. Remember, nothing has to be perfect, and it can never be perfect.
Goals are a blueprint of what you want in life. When your goals are not aligning with where you want to be, there is an increase in lack of commitment, work, and accountability towards those goals. Including, letting perfectionism step in the way and prevent you from ever getting started. We can only focus on and control what is in our hands, without attempting to burden ourselves. Goals are only a seed of what we want to achieve in life. The action is the watering and fertilizing that makes them grow. You can do it!