How to Kick Feeling Stuck to the CURB

A body of water or ocean shows a woman calmly standing and trying to take a photo on a sandy beach. She is wearing a yellow shirt and a colorful beach towel and looks relaxed, mindful, peaceful, and unstuck. The text in the image says, "Stop feeling stuck."

Ever feel like you are drowning or overwhelmed? Well, feeling stuck is not uncommon. With so much going on, it becomes hard to focus on just one thing and ignore the rest. Learn how to shake off that stuck feeling and kick feeling stuck to the curb- to get back on track.

Do you recall saying things like:

-That seems great, but I can’t do that, you know that won’t work out for me.

-Well, that person could do that because of the access that they had.

-I would love to but look at my circumstances.

Certainly, what you say sounds realistic and makes sense to you. But the outcome is that you are handcuffing and branding your mind with limitations. Your brain including your spinal cord are the components that make up the Central Nervous System inside the body. The CNS acts as the command center in our bodies allowing us to receive, process, and send out signals that control our thoughts, emotions, movements, and sensations.

For example, when you continue to think and speak doubt, rejection, fear, or inadequacies, then you’re aligning your brain to agree with the story you write for it. This is why, what you think and speak, you will become. In short, just thinking super positive and being self-aware is not enough. Here are 4 tips to kick feeling stuck to the curb.

Now, let’s Kick Feeling Stuck to the Curb.

Identify the Cause.

Pay attention to your surroundings and what you are taking and allowing in. What thoughts or common sayings are you adhering to? If you find yourself repeating sayings like, “It just won’t work”, or “I’ve tried but I just can’t” make sure to write them down. Take notice of those sayings that have become repetitive. Identifying the cause or reason that is limiting you is the first step.

Watch your reactions and emotions.

Notice your reactions and emotions surrounding the matter. What emotions are driving your beliefs? Work out the emotions tied to the matter- doubt, fear, sadness, anger, frustration, or something else. Working out your emotions is refreshing and can create new mind shifts; plus help you clear out any of those harmful thoughts. Ask yourself, is this true, or is this just a limiting belief holding me back?

Renew your mind.

By understanding what is driving your emotions and reactions, you give space to remove feelings tied to the subject, which opens the door to removing binding limitations. Further, creating a space where you get to forecast your beliefs. In this case, use a belief that you have been believing and revise it. For instance, if you believe, “I don’t have enough experience, so I am not good enough,” turn it around and believe the opposite feeling. Imagine and reflect on a particular situation where you felt competent enough.

Stay consistent.

Start with just one limiting belief or doubt and commit to working on it daily, until you have removed it over time. Adjust and make small changes to form new habits and patterns. Take time to observe every limiting belief and factor going through each step of the process. 

By working out your limiting beliefs and carefully watching your emotions, you can create space for a clear mind and uncluttered thoughts, which will help you get unstuck. 

Hence, getting stuck does not mean that you have to stay there. Of course, your brain is your command center, and a part of your CNS- a storehouse for many areas. Therefore, recognizing the thoughts, emotions, and patterns that contribute to your limitations is important to understand. This way, you can correct, direct, and equip your mind for success. 

Adhering to the 4 tips are ways to kick feeling stuck to the curb.  

  • Identifying the reason of your story.
  • Watching your reactions and emotions tied to the matter.
  • Repairing and renewing your mind from limitations and doubts.
  • Staying consistent with one belief at a time.